import { extent } from "../helpers/extent";
import { unique } from "../helpers/utils";
import { getproj } from "../projection/getproj";
import { create as create2 } from "d3-selection";
import {
} from "d3-geo";
const d3 = Object.assign(
{ create2, geoPath, geoBounds, geoEquirectangular, geoMercator, geoIdentity }
import { outline as addoutline } from "../mark/outline.js";
import { graticule as addgraticule } from "../mark/graticule.js";
import { text as addtext } from "../mark/text.js";
import { circle as addcircle } from "../mark/circle.js";
import { square as addsquare } from "../mark/square.js";
import { halfcircle as addhalfcircle } from "../mark/halfcircle.js";
import { spike as addspike } from "../mark/spike.js";
import { path as addpath } from "../mark/path.js";
import { symbol as addsymbol } from "../mark/symbol.js";
import { tile } from "../mark/tile.js";
import { header } from "../mark/header.js";
import { footer } from "../mark/footer.js";
import { scalebar as addscalebar } from "../mark/scalebar.js";
import { north as addnorth } from "../mark/north.js";
import { clipPath as addclippath } from "../effect/clippath.js";
import { blur as addblur } from "../effect/blur.js";
import { shadow as addshadow } from "../effect/shadow.js";
import { radialGradient as addradialGradient } from "../effect/radialgradient.js";
import { tissot as addtissot } from "../mark/tissot.js";
import { rhumbs as addrhumbs } from "../mark/rhumbs.js";
import { make as addgrid } from "../grid/make.js";
import { circles_nested as addcircles_nested } from "../legend/circles-nested";
import { circles as addcircles } from "../legend/circles";
import { squares as addsquares } from "../legend/squares";
import { squares_nested as addsquares_nested } from "../legend/squares-nested";
import { circles_half as addcircles_half } from "../legend/circles-half";
import { spikes as addspikes } from "../legend/spikes.js";
import { mushrooms as addmushrooms } from "../legend/mushrooms.js";
import { choro_vertical as addchoro_vertical } from "../legend/choro-vertical";
import { choro_horizontal as addchoro_horizontal } from "../legend/choro-horizontal";
import { typo_vertical as addtypo_vertical } from "../legend/typo-vertical";
import { typo_horizontal as addtypo_horizontal } from "../legend/typo-horizontal";
import { symbol_vertical as addsymbol_vertical } from "../legend/symbol-vertical";
import { symbol_horizontal as addsymbol_horizontal } from "../legend/symbol-horizontal";
import { box as addbox } from "../legend/box";
import { render as addrender } from "../container/render";
import { plot as addplot } from "../plot/plot.js";
* @function create
* @description The `create` function is the first step in map construction. It creates an svg container + some information about this container:`projection`, `margin`, `width`, `height` and `bbox`.
* @see {@link}
* @property {number} [width = 1000] - width of the container.
* @property {number} [id = "map"] - id of the svg container.
* @property {number} [height] - height of the container. This value is automatically calculated according to `domain`. But it can be forced by entering a value.
* @property {object|object[]} [domain] - the domain corresponds to the geographical area to be displayed. It is defined by a geoJSON or an array containing geoJSONs.
* @property {function|string} [projection] - d3 function of projection. See [d3-geo](, [d3-geo-projection]( & [d3-geo-polygon]( All theses functions are available in geoviz like this: viz.proj.geoSomething(). You can alse use a String. E.g: d3.geoMercator() <=> viz.proj.geoMercator() <=> "Mercator" <=> "mercator". Null or “none” allows you to display geometries as they are, without reprojecting them. In this case, you must specify the domain.
* @property {number[]} [pos] - position of the container (if contained in another svg container)
* @property {string} [background] - background color
* @property {string} [fontFamily] - font-family for the entire map
* @property {number|number[]} [margin = 0] - margins around the map. A number to set the same margin everywhere or an array [top, right, bottom, left] to set different margins.
* @property {object} [parent] - name of parent container into which this child container is to be included. In this case, the options.pos parameter is also used.
* @property {boolean|number|string} [zoomable] - activates the map zoom function. If you set an array of 2 values, it defines the scaleExtent (default: [1,8]). Use "versor" to activate [versor zoom]( "versor" is only available for vector geometries in wgs84.
* @property {boolean|number[]} [control] - If zoomable is enabled, set the control parameter as true displays control buttons to zoom on the map. You can also define an array of 2 values to locate the panel in the position you want (e.g. [100, 200]). This setting is not available with the Versor zoom.
* @property {boolean} [warning = true] - display or not warnings on the map
* @example
* let svg = geoviz.create({width: 500, background: "lightblue"})
export function create({
height = null,
id = "map",
//projection = d3.geoEquirectangular(),
projection = "none",
pos = [0, 0],
background = "none",
width = 1000,
margin = [0, 0, 0, 0],
parent = null,
fontFamily = "Arial",
zoomable = false,
control = true,
warning = true,
warning_message = [],
} = {}) {
// projection
projection = getproj(projection);
const initproj = projection;
switch (projection) {
case "mercator":
projection = d3.geoMercator();
case "none":
projection = d3.geoIdentity().reflectY(true);
// Font
let output;
let info;
if (height !== null) {
info = { width, height, fontFamily };
} else {
//adapt scale
let ref = extent(domain, initproj);
margin = Array.isArray(margin) ? margin : Array(4).fill(margin);
const [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] = d3
.geoPath(projection.fitWidth(width - margin[1] - margin[3], ref))
height = Math.ceil(y1 - y0) + margin[0] + margin[2];
let trans = projection.translate();
projection.translate([trans[0] + margin[3], trans[1] + margin[0]]);
[0, 0],
[width, height],
info = {
baseScale: projection.scale(),
baseTranslate: projection.translate(),
viewbox: [],
height_header: 0,
height_footer: 0,
controlid: "control_" + unique(),
zoomablelayers: [],
zoom: { k: 1, x: 0, y: 0 },
bbox: d3.geoBounds(ref),
// bbox:
// domain == undefined
// ? [
// [-180, 90],
// [180, -90],
// ]
// : d3.geoBounds(ref),
inset: parent ? true : false,
data: false,
if (parent == null) {
let svg = d3
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("id", id)
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, height])
.style("background-color", background);
svg.append("defs").attr("id", "defs");
svg.append("g").attr("id", "geoviztooltip");
output = Object.assign(svg, info);
} else {
let svg = parent
.attr("transform", `translate(${pos[0]},${pos[1]})`);
svg.append("defs").attr("id", "defs");
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("fill", background);
svg.append("g").attr("id", "geoviztooltip");
output = Object.assign(svg, info);
// Add functions
let mark = {};
{ id: "outline", func: addoutline },
{ id: "path", func: addpath },
{ id: "symbol", func: addsymbol },
{ id: "graticule", func: addgraticule },
{ id: "circle", func: addcircle },
{ id: "square", func: addsquare },
{ id: "halfcircle", func: addhalfcircle },
{ id: "spike", func: addspike },
{ id: "text", func: addtext },
{ id: "tile", func: tile },
{ id: "header", func: header },
{ id: "footer", func: footer },
{ id: "scalebar", func: addscalebar },
{ id: "north", func: addnorth },
{ id: "plot", func: addplot },
{ id: "tissot", func: addtissot },
{ id: "rhumbs", func: addrhumbs },
(d) =>
(mark[] = function () {
return d.func(output, arguments[0]);
let grid = {};
[{ id: "make", func: addgrid }].forEach(
(d) =>
(grid[] = function () {
return d.func(output, arguments[0]);
let legend = {};
{ id: "circles_nested", func: addcircles_nested },
{ id: "circles", func: addcircles },
{ id: "squares", func: addsquares },
{ id: "squares_nested", func: addsquares_nested },
{ id: "circles_half", func: addcircles_half },
{ id: "spikes", func: addspikes },
{ id: "mushrooms", func: addmushrooms },
{ id: "choro_vertical", func: addchoro_vertical },
{ id: "choro_horizontal", func: addchoro_horizontal },
{ id: "typo_vertical", func: addtypo_vertical },
{ id: "typo_horizontal", func: addtypo_horizontal },
{ id: "symbol_vertical", func: addsymbol_vertical },
{ id: "symbol_horizontal", func: addsymbol_horizontal },
{ id: "box", func: addbox },
(d) =>
(legend[] = function () {
return d.func(output, arguments[0]);
let effect = {};
{ id: "blur", func: addblur },
{ id: "shadow", func: addshadow },
{ id: "radialGradient", func: addradialGradient },
{ id: "clipPath", func: addclippath },
(d) =>
(effect[] = function () {
return d.func(output, arguments[0]);
// Output
return Object.assign(output, {
render: function () {
return addrender(output, arguments[0]);