import * as geoScaleBar from "d3-geo-scale-bar";
import { geoNaturalEarth1 } from "d3-geo";
const d3 = Object.assign({ geoNaturalEarth1 }, geoScaleBar);
import { create } from "../container/create";
import { render } from "../container/render";
import { unique, camelcasetodash } from "../helpers/utils";
* @function scalebar
* @description The `scalebar` function allows add a scalebar. The function adds a layer to the SVG container and returns the layer identifier. If the container is not defined, then the layer is displayed directly.
* @see {@link}
* @see {@link}
* @property {string} [id] - id of the layer
* @property {number[]} [pos = 10, svg.height - 20] - position [x,y] on the page. The scale value is relevant for this location on the map
* @property {number[]} [translate = null] - an array of two values to move the scalebar without change its size
* @property {string} [units = "km"] - "ft" (feet), "km" (kilometers), "m" (meters) or "mi" (miles)
* @property {string} [label] - label to display
* @property {string} [tickSize = 5] - tick padding
* @property {string} [tickPadding = 0.2] - tick size
* @property {number} [distance] - distance represented by the scalebar
* @property {function} [tickFormat = d => d] - a function to format values
* @property {number[]} [tickValues] - values to display on the scalebar
* @property {string} [labelAnchor = "start"] - position of the label ("start", "middle" or "end")
* @property {*} [svg_*] - *parameters of the svg container created if the layer is not called inside a container (e.g svg_width)*
* @example
* // There are several ways to use this function
* geoviz.scalebar(svg, { units:"km", distance: 500, pos: [100, 200] }) // where svg is the container
* svg.scalebar({ units:"km", distance: 500, pos: [100, 200] }) // where svg is the container
* svg.plot({type: "scalebar", units:"km", distance: 500, pos: [100, 200] }) // where svg is the container
export function scalebar(arg1, arg2) {
// Test if new container
let newcontainer =
(arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] == undefined) &&
? true
: false;
arg1 = newcontainer && arg1 == undefined ? {} : arg1;
arg2 = arg2 == undefined ? {} : arg2;
// Arguments
const options = {
mark: "scalebar",
id: unique(),
translate: null,
units: "km",
label: undefined,
tickPadding: 5,
tickSize: 0.2,
distance: undefined,
tickFormat: (d) => d,
tickValues: undefined,
labelAnchor: "start",
let opts = { ...options, ...(newcontainer ? arg1 : arg2) };
// New container
let svgopts = { projection: d3.geoNaturalEarth1() };
.filter((str) => str.slice(0, 4) == "svg_")
.forEach((d) => {
Object.assign(svgopts, {
[d.slice(0, 4) == "svg_" ? d.slice(4) : d]: opts[d],
delete opts[d];
let svg = newcontainer ? create(svgopts) : arg1;
// Position
opts.pos = opts.pos || [10, svg.height - 20];
// Warning
if (svg.initproj == "none" && svg.warning) {
svg.warning_message.push(`Scalebar mark`);
`The scale bar is not relevant without defining a projection function function in the SVG container`
// init layer
let layer = svg.selectAll(`#${}`).empty()
? svg.append("g").attr("id",
// zoomable layer
if (svg.zoomable && !svg.parent) {
if (! => {
} else {
let i = svg.zoomablelayers.indexOf(
svg.zoomablelayers.find((d) => ==
svg.zoomablelayers[i] = opts;
.map((d) => d[0])
.forEach((d) => {
layer.attr(camelcasetodash(d), opts[d]);
// addattr({
// layer,
// args: opts,
// exclude: [],
// });
let units = new Map([
["ft", d3.geoScaleFeet],
["km", d3.geoScaleKilometers],
["m", d3.geoScaleMeters],
["mi", d3.geoScaleMiles],
const x = opts.pos[0] / svg.width;
const y = opts.pos[1] / svg.height;
const scaleBar = d3
.size([svg.width, svg.height])
.label(opts.label !== undefined ? opts.label : units.units)
if (opts.translate) {
`translate(${opts.pos[0] + opts.translate[0]},${
opts.pos[1] + opts.translate[1]
// Output
if (newcontainer) {
return render(svg);
} else {
return `#${}`;