import { tile as d3tile } from "d3-tile";
import { geoMercator } from "d3-geo";
import { create } from "../container/create";
import { render } from "../container/render";
import { unique } from "../helpers/utils";
* @function tile
* @description The `tile` function allows to display raster tiles. To use this mark, you must use the projection d3.geoMercator() (or directly "mercator"). The function adds a layer to the SVG container and returns the layer identifier. If the container is not defined, then the layer is displayed directly.
* @see {@link}
* @property {string} [id] - id of the layer
* @property {number} [tileSize = 512] - tile size
* @property {number} [zoomDelta = 1] - zoom offset
* @property {number} [opacity = 1] - tile opacity
* @property {function|string} [url = "openstreetmap"] - function like <code>(x, y, z) => \`https://something/\${z}/\${x}/\${y}.png\`</code>. You can also enter the following strings directly: "openstreetmap", "opentopomap", "worldterrain", "worldimagery", "worldStreet", "worldphysical", "shadedrelief", "stamenterrain", "cartodbvoyager", "stamentoner","stamentonerbackground","stamentonerlite","stamenwatercolor","hillshade","worldocean","natgeo" or "worldterrain".
* @property {string} [clipPath] - clip-path. e.g. "url(#myclipid)"
* @property {*} [svg_*] - *parameters of the svg container created if the layer is not called inside a container (e.g svg_width)*
* @example
* // There are several ways to use this function
* geoviz.tile() // no container
* geoviz.tile(svg, {url: "worldterrain"}) // where svg is the container
* svg.tile({url: "worldterrain"}) // where svg is the container
* svg.plot({type: "tile", url: "worldterrain"}) // where svg is the container
export function tile(arg1, arg2) {
// Test if new container
let newcontainer =
(arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] == undefined) &&
? true
: false;
arg1 = newcontainer && arg1 == undefined ? {} : arg1;
arg2 = arg2 == undefined ? {} : arg2;
// let svg = newcontainer
// ? create({ projection: geoMercator(), zoomable: true })
// : arg1;
// Arguments
const options = {
mark: "tile",
id: unique(),
tileSize: 512,
zoomDelta: 1,
increasetilesize: 1,
opacity: 1,
clipPath: undefined,
url: (x, y, z) => `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`,
let opts = { ...options, ...(newcontainer ? arg1 : arg2) };
opts.url = geturl(opts.url);
// New container
let svgopts = { zoomable: true, projection: geoMercator() };
.filter((str) => str.slice(0, 4) == "svg_")
.forEach((d) => {
Object.assign(svgopts, {
[d.slice(0, 4) == "svg_" ? d.slice(4) : d]: opts[d],
delete opts[d];
let svg = newcontainer ? create(svgopts) : arg1;
// Warning
if (svg.initproj == "none" && svg.warning) {
`You must use projection: "mercator" in the svg container to display tile marks`
// init layer
let layer = svg.selectAll(`#${}`).empty()
? svg.append("g").attr("id",
// zoomable layer
if (svg.zoomable && !svg.parent) {
if (! => {
} else {
let i = svg.zoomablelayers.indexOf(
svg.zoomablelayers.find((d) => ==
svg.zoomablelayers[i] = opts;
let tile = d3tile()
.size([svg.width, svg.height])
.scale(svg.projection.scale() * 2 * Math.PI)
.translate(svg.projection([0, 0]))
.attr("xlink:href", (d) => opts.url(...d))
.attr("x", ([x]) => (x + tile().translate[0]) * tile().scale)
.attr("y", ([, y]) => (y + tile().translate[1]) * tile().scale)
.attr("width", tile().scale + opts.increasetilesize + "px")
.attr("height", tile().scale + opts.increasetilesize + "px")
.attr("opacity", opts.opacity)
.attr("clip-path", opts.clipPath);
// Output
if (newcontainer) {
return render(svg);
} else {
return `#${}`;
function geturl(x) {
let url = (x, y, z) => `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`;
switch (typeof x) {
case "function":
url = x;
case "string":
url =
providers.find((d) => == x)?.url ||
((x, y, z) => `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`);
return url;
const providers = [
name: "openstreetmap",
provider: "OpenStreetMap contributors",
url: (x, y, z) => `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`,
name: "opentopomap",
provider: "OpenStreetMap contributors",
url: (x, y, z) => `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`,
name: "worldterrain",
provider: "USGS, Esri, TANA, DeLorme, and NPS",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "worldimagery",
"Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "worldStreet",
"Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2012",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "worldphysical",
provider: "Esri, US National Park Service",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "shadedrelief",
provider: "ESRI",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "stamenterrain",
provider: "stadiamaps",
url: (x, y, z) =>
devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : ""
name: "cartodbvoyager",
provider: "CartoDB",
url: (x, y, z) =>
"abc"[Math.abs(x + y) % 3]
devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : ""
name: "stamentoner",
provider: "stadiamaps",
url: (x, y, z) =>
devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : ""
name: "stamentonerbackground",
provider: "stadiamaps",
url: (x, y, z) =>
devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : ""
name: "stamentonerlite",
provider: "stadiamaps",
url: (x, y, z) =>
devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : ""
name: "stamenwatercolor",
provider: "stadiamaps",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "hillshade",
provider: "ESRI",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "worldocean",
provider: "ESRI",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "natgeo",
provider: "ESRI",
url: (x, y, z) =>
name: "worldterrain",
provider: "ESRI",
url: (x, y, z) =>