
import { getColors } from "dicopal";
import { scaleOrdinal } from "d3-scale";
const d3 = Object.assign({}, { scaleOrdinal });

 * @function tool/typo
 * @description The `tool.typo` function allows you to assign colors to qualitative data. It can be used to create typology maps. It returs an object containing types, colors, the color of the missing value and a function.
 * @property {number[]} data - an array of numerical values.
 * @property {string[]} [options.colors = "Set3"] - an array of colors or name of a color palette available in [dicopal](
 * @property {string} [options.missing = "white"] - a color for missings values
 * @example
 * geoviz.tool.typo( =>, {palette: "Pastel"})


export function typo(data, { colors = "Set3", missing_fill = "white" } = {}) {
  let types = Array.from(new Set(data)).filter(
    (d) => d !== "" && d != null && d != undefined

  let nodata =
    data.length -
    data.filter((d) => d !== "" && d != null && d != undefined).length;

  let cols = Array.isArray(colors) ? colors : getColors(colors, types.length);
  if (cols == undefined && types.length < 3) {
    cols = getColors(colors, 3).slice(0, types.length);

  let colorize = d3

  return {
    colors: cols,
    missing: nodata == 0 ? false : true,