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mapsf 0.11.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-29


  • better management of label display in mf_graticule(), fix #73

mapsf 0.10.1

CRAN release: 2024-05-06


  • revert previous remove “export” and “theme” args from mf_export() to accommodate dependencies
  • revert previous remove “theme” from mf_init() to accommodate dependencies

mapsf 0.10.0


  • allow to plot non overlapping labels from a layer made of strictly overlapping features with mf_label() (#65)
  • fully display mf_raster() legends after a terra::plot() call (#67)
  • remove “export” and “theme” args from mf_export()
  • remove “theme” from mf_init()


  • improved and cleaner documentation for mf_map() (#62)

mapsf 0.9.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-26


  • add the possibility to use a scale bar in (US) maps using feet based CRS (#59)
  • deprecate unit argument in mf_scale()
  • remove wrong ellipsis propagation in mf_label()
  • better environment management in mf_legend() to allow usage inside a function (#58)
  • fix raster legends (using type arg, see feat.) (#60)


  • add “interval”, “continuous” and “classes” types with matching legends in mf_raster() (#60)
  • mf_raster() invisibly returns the initial raster

mapsf 0.8.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-21


  • raise an error and display an informative message if no points are plotted when type = “prop*”


  • add mf_distr(), a function to display a statistical distribution with histogram, boxplot, stripchart and density curve
  • add a lot of legend related args (leg_frame_border, leg_horiz, leg_adj, leg_bg, leg_fg, leg_size, leg_border, leg_box_border, leg_box_cex)
  • double legends (prop_choro, prop_typo, etc.) are stacked by default
  • add legends for raster
  • deprecate all mf_legend_*() functions
  • add rev arg for function using pal to reverse named palettes
  • add a q arg in mf_label() to select the quality of the non overlapping placement


  • use the maplegend pkg for legends (this change may introduce minor breaking changes)
  • use s2 instead of overcomplicated sf code for othographic proj in mf_worldmap()
  • use R base instead of C++ in mf_label() non overalapping placement

mapsf 0.7.1

CRAN release: 2023-09-05


  • fix bug in color assignment in ‘choro’, ‘prop_choro’ and ‘symb_choro’ maps when supplying “incomplete” breaks (#56)

mapsf 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2023-07-06


  • use a vector of colors for lines if necessary in mf_label() (#50)
  • enable pipe without side effects (no extra plot)
  • use a default transparent background for insets
  • deprecate “theme” arg in relevant function, adapt docs and vignettes, use options() for themes instead of global variable & mimic the behaviour of basetheme package
  • force the use of cairo device, if available, in mf_export() for png
  • fix wrong class allocation when using breaks = “jenks” (#53)
  • exports using unprojected objects do not produce figures with inaccurate height/width ratio anymore.


  • add expandBB arg in mf_map()
  • add expandBB arg in mf_raster()
  • add arg checking depending on type in mf_map()
  • add an error message for functions that need a pre-existing plot
  • add mf_graticule() to add graticule lines and labels
  • set internally the ‘add’ arg for each map types in mf_map()

mapsf 0.6.1

CRAN release: 2022-12-12


  • add explicit support for sfg objects in mf_base(), mf_map(…, type = “base”)

mapsf 0.6.0


  • use val_max in mf_prop() for LINES
  • add message when mf_export() is based on longlat obj
  • add a test for “x” class in mf_map()
  • enable proportional symbol plots for single points when using “prop”, “prop_typo” & “prop_choro” maps; see #45
  • fix a bug in color assignment when there is a mismatch between the number of classes and the size of the color palette
  • add an error for method “geom” in mf_get_breaks() when min(x) <= 0
  • remove Inf values from x when using mf_get_breaks()
  • remove Inf values from x when using “prop”, “prop_typo” & “prop_choro” maps
  • add informative message when NA, 0 & Inf values are removed when using “prop”, “prop_typo” & “prop_choro” maps
  • add informative message when negative values are transformed to positive values when using “prop”, “prop_typo” & “prop_choro” maps


  • add “prop_typo”” maps for LINES objects
  • add mf_get_ratio() to get appropriate values for map width & height

mapsf 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-30


  • remove “export” arg for exports based on terra rasters
  • remove “bg”” arg in mf_map()
  • add “pch = 20” default to plot points with mf_base()
  • get sf back from Depends to Imports
  • remove s2 related message for recent version of sf in mf_worldmap()


  • add “interactive” position for legends, north arrow, scale bar, annotation
  • add self-adjusted rounded values for proportional circles legends

mapsf 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2022-01-03


  • allow the display of raster with >=2 bands (not only exactly 3)
  • avoid mf_map(…, type=“symb”) failing when there is only one modality
  • make mf_export() aware of the export format with the filename extension only (+ deprecate “export”” arg)
  • add a default maximum to maxcell arg for raster display in mf_raster()
  • change smooth defaults in mf_raster(), TRUE if nlyr>=2, FALSE otherwise


  • add a web only vignette on faceted maps
  • add a web only vignette on custom fonts
  • add a cheat sheet
  • add parameters to customize worldmaps (land and ocean colors and borders)
  • add informatives messages concerning mf_map() input (checking type and variable names)

mapsf 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2021-09-24


  • add support for native pipe
  • suppress messages that appear when s2 use is switched with mf_worldmap()
  • replace raster by terra in all things raster


  • add a web only vignette on insets
  • add a web only vignette on themes
  • add mf_background(), a function to plot a background image for map
  • add support for raster in mf_export() and mf_init()

mapsf 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-29


  • change default value for interpolate and display without extra margins in mf_raster()
  • increase minimal R version to 3.6.0 to use hcl.colors()
  • adjust the largest symbol size in mf_map(…, “prop*“)
  • remove frame around insets
  • remove LazyData from DESCRIPTION
  • use sf ‘on the fly’ projection for unprojected sf objects
  • better display of titles and maps (tiny extra space around maps)
  • add explicit default value for “add” arg in mapping functions
  • allow to plot (coherent) GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONS
  • better default for POINT and LINES in mf_map(…, type = “base”)
  • fix mf_worldmap() by bypassing s2 use


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • split mf_init() to mf_init() and mf_export()
  • allow width AND height set in mf_export()
  • allow raster as input in mf_init() and mf_export()
  • allow to change existent theme settings directrly in mf_theme()
  • make mf_theme() return the current theme
  • add default value for txt, add bg arg (for background) in mf_credits()
  • add coordinates positioning for maps with 2 legends
  • add alpha arg for transparency in mapping functions using “pal”
  • change the default theme value to a theme with only tiny margins
  • a web only vignette on map export
  • allow hcl.colors palette names use in mf_legend*() functions